Special Program on Toum Tiou 1 Saigon to Phnom Penh 4D/3N

Special Program on Toum Tiou 1
23rd to 26th October, 2017
Saigon to Phnom Penh 4D/3N
$1099 per person in a shared double/twin cabin

Here is the program:
Day 1 Saigon – My Tho (Oct 23, 2017)
15:45 Toum Tiou is open for embarking at Saigon Port (Cang Nha Rong Port) next to Ho Chi Minh Museum.
(Address: #5 nguyen tat thanh, quan 4.)
16:00 Clearance of departure formalities.
16:30 Departure for My Tho, security briefing.
19:00 Welcome drink and info meeting about cruise, crew introduction. Welcome dinner. Overnight onboard.
Day 2 My Tho – Cai Be – Vinh Long (Oct 24, 2017)
Departure of the Toum Tiou early in the morning.
07:00 Breakfast during navigation on the marvelous canal of Cho Gao.
10:00 Arrival at My Tho – Toum Tiou drops anchor on river in the proximity of Thoi Son Island.
On the banks of a northern arm of the Mekong, My Tho, which translates as "fragrant herb", where tourists come to discover the beauty of the delta. It's a quiet, prosperous city of about 100,000 inhabitants, famous for its many fruit orchards, gardens and the huge rice fields that surround it. The climate is warm and pleasant year round. The surrounding countryside is home to one of the most luxuriant gardens of Vietnam, with its coconut palms, banana and mango trees. Local boats are coming alongside Toum Tiou to pick up passengers and transfer to the mainland.
Local boats comes alongside the Toum Tiou to pick up passengers to the mainland for a short panoramic tour of My Tho town and visit Vinh Trang pagoda, stop for a visit of My Tho market. Return at the pier - Passengers cruise on the river to dragon Island by local boat to visit the island, explore local people’s daily life and enjoy locally seasonal fruits
12:00 Passengers re-embark Toum Tiou and leaves My Tho for Cai Be. Lunch and leisure on board.
15:30 Toum Tiou drops anchor at Cai Be. Local boats are coming alongside Toum Tiou, picking up the passengers and cruise around
Cai Be Floating Market. Visit the handicraft village where workers produce rice paper, rice wine, popped rice etc. in a traditional way.
Continuing for Vinh Long - a brick and pottery factory, the Binh Hoa Phuoc Islet Nursery of Fruit Trees as well a
typical house and a show room of traditional farming tools.
Vinh Long, which translates as "Majestic Dragon", is right in the middle of the delta, between two arms of the Mekong. The soil of Vinh Long is enriched by silt deposits, making it ideal for growing mandarins and other citrus fruits. Life is organized around the water. Houses on stilts, hawkers in boats, hundreds of small craft crisscross in all directions. The hospitality of the locals makes it a tourist destination par excellence.
18:00 Return on the Toum Tiou, departure for Sa Dec.
19:30 Arrival at Sa Dec, Toum Tiou drops anchor on the river. Dinner and overnight on board.
Day 3 Sa Dec – Chau Doc (Oct 25, 2017)
06:00 Breakfast.
07:00 Sa Dec - Short panoramic tour and transfer to Trung Vuong primary school. Continuing to Kien An Cung Pagoda.
Stroll around Sa Dec Market along Sa Dec River bank. This small city of 30,000 inhabitants is fascinating in its
unspoiled authenticity and undisturbed by tourists. It provides a glimpse of the delta where a few colonial houses still remain, including the "Chinaman's house" (from Duras' novel "The Lover", also made into a movie).
09:00 Passengers re-embark; Toum Tiou leaves Sa Dec for Chau Doc, lunch and leisure on board.
16:00 Arrival at Chau Doc. Departure for fish raising rafts.
If the timing is allowing it, watch of the sunset on the Sam Mountain which peaks at 237 meters. Its well-known Buddhist sanctuaries offer an unobstructed view over the mosaic of glistening rice paddies below. To the left is Cambodia, the flow of the Mekong on the horizon breaks into an infinity of silver ribbons. Visit on the way of the Lady Chua Xu temple and Tay An Pagoda.
19:30 Return to the boat, Dinner onboard. Overnight onboard.
Day 4 Vinh Xuong – Phnom Penh (Oct 26, 2017)
Toum Tiou leaves early in the morning for Vinh Xuong (Vietnamese border). Breakfast during navigation.
08:00 Arrival at Vinh Xuong check-point – Formalities clearance for Toum Tiou to cross the border.
10:30 Toum Tiou leaves Vinh Xuong check point for Phnom Penh. Lunch during the navigation.
17:00 Arrival in Phnom Penh. Disembark the boat.
contact: Oceantravelsales@gmail.com


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